Days For Girls


Days for Girls is an ongoing Outreach project of Northview.

If you would like to help in some way, there are many ways to do so.

 All over the world, women and girls LOSE days of school, work, and family life because they don’t have what they need during that time of the month.

The Days for Girls movement is changing that tune — with your help!


Items needed on a regular basis are:

100% cotton fabric in dark prints (no animal, bug or cultural patterns)

100% cotton flannel in dark colors or patterns (no animal, insect, cartoon character or cultural patterns.  Geometric or floral patterns are best.)

5/8″ grosgrain ribbon in dark colors, any color of thread

Wash cloths (the inexpensive kind one can buy in a package of 8 or more somewhere like Wal-Mart)

Other needs:

Gift Cards from JoAnn Fabrics and Walmart

A Days for Girls donation box is in the narthex.

Questions? Contact-

Lynn Bryant at or 540-562-2155

Jean Broyles at or 540-580-7785