
Please feel free to join us — see photos below descriptions!

Patricia’s Strength, Balance & Flexibility Class

If working out at the gym feels to fast & tiring for you, come try Patricia’s 1 hr. class at Northview United Methodist church on Mon & Wed mornings from 9:30 – 10:30.  You’ll learn how to safely strengthen & tone your abs, legs, buttocks, arms & shoulders with slow to moderate controlled movements.  Modifications are given for those with injuries.  You’ll strengthen your arms, legs, buttocks along with toning your waistline, improve your balance, improve your bone density & gain flexibility. The first ½ of the class is standing.  The last ½ is down on your mat. (You can also use a chair) This class is taught by a Certified AFAA Group Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer with over 30 years’ experience.  Bring your mat, hand weights (no more than 5lb), hand towel & a light blanket or beach towel to cover with during relaxation.  Small balls, bands & tubes will be furnished by Patricia.

If interested contact Patricia Reavis at 540-890-4886


Patricia’s Therapeutic Yoga

If you’ve been wanting to try Yoga now is your chance.  This is a “Take your Time” class geared toward those with back, knee & shoulder problems, Breast Cancer survivors or anyone recovering from surgeries or needing a gentle Yoga class. You become aware of your breath & let it lead you into & out of the poses; sometimes settling there.  You become aware of your feet as you press them into your mat, you become aware of your spine as you extend it. We find we can balance on one leg with the help of the wall or chair.  We warm our bodies with gentle movement then hold poses to strengthen & stretch our muscles.  We relax each part of our bodies as we allow it to sink into our mats staying on the edge of drifting off to sleep.  We are alive, strong, flexible and balanced. This is your Yoga. In addition to a good stretch, you will also enjoy other health benefits of yoga including improved muscle tone, better breathing habits, better posture, reduction of stress, better sleep, core awareness and a sense of well-being.  This 1 hr. 15 min. class is taught by a Registered Yoga Alliance Teacher at Northview United Methodist church on Mon & Wed from 10:45 – 12:00. Bring your mat, hand towel & a light blanket or beach towel to cover with during relaxation with meditation.

If interested contact Patricia Reavis at 540-890-4886